

Thank you for your interest in Lexington, Kentucky's annual medieval celebration.

It will be held 17 June ~ 2 July 2000. We will be open Saturday - Sunday 10am - 6pm. This will be a joyful celebration of life in the middle ages. We will be trying to re-enact the middle ages, being fairly accurate while allowing some fantasy license. There WILL be a "story" to our faire that will be released to all thoses accepted so that you can begin preparing!! All our participants will be required to be in period costume and to remain in character when in the view of the patrons. Experienced rennies will know what to wear but there will be plenty of help for newbies. We will be holding workshops prior to the festival. Depending upon your experience, or lack thereof, you may be required to attend. You will be notified.

Performers: We are currently seeking performers for ALL positions. We will need headliners, other stage acts and street performers. Only headliners will be paid. However, ALL others would be allowed to "pass the hat" or to sell tapes, etc to raise some funds. We will be supplying camping space for all performers and meals. There will probably be no more than 4 headline acts, one for each stage. That will leave about 12 other stage slots. In addition to these, we will be in need of street actors in ANY form, ie: townfolke, royals, military, wenches/rogues, etc.

For Headliners: Please send PR packets with video tapes of your acts and salary requirements. We will return all materials to you. We will need to also know any special requirements for the staging area, as we plan to build our stages to suit as many performers as possible, especially headliners.

If you have a stage act and are willing to donate your services to our non-profit cause, please also send us your PR packets with any special requirements. Don't forget you will be able to either "pass the hat" or sell merchandise.

If you are new to renfaires or just interested in playing with us, you might be interested in a position as a street performer. These positions are VERY important in that these are the actors that the patrons will see the most. There are almost an infinite number of roles. We will have planned interactions going on at ALL times. You may even have a unique skill you would like to share: stilt-walking, juggling, odd characters. We will have full time street roles as well as temporary and part-time roles. Soooooooooooo, if you don't care to be on a stage or only have a limited time to come and play with us, we will have something for everyone or... develop your "own thing".

FYI: Ravenhearst is a non-profit organization trying to raise funds to build an animal sanctuary. The funds from this festival are going to be used to purchase land for the sanctuary. On this site, we will build a permanent festival site. All our first year vendors will be invited to either build a permanent structure or reserve a permanent spot for future tent space. Our Headliners would have permanent stages buily uniqely for their acts We are also going to be offering web space to our vendors/performers; email and other perks. More details will be included in your acceptance package!

If you are interested, please see the Performers Application.